May 4, 2017

Experimenting with JShell

JShell is a Java 9 tool that lets you explore in programming. JShell makes it easy to play around without the fear of disastrous consequences. Java programs often use the same old, tiresome refrain:

public class SomethingOrOther {

public static void main(String args[]) {
A Java program requires this verbose introduction because

In Java the entire program is a class.

The main method is called into action automatically when the program begins running.

Anyway, retyping this boilerplate code into an editor window can be annoying, especially when your goal is to test the effect of executing a few simple statements. To fix this problem, the stewards of Java came up with a new tool in Java 9. They call it JShell.

Instructions for launching JShell differ from one computer to the next. For instructions that work on your computer, visit

When you use JShell, you hardly ever type an entire program. Instead, you type a Java statement, and then JShell responds to your statement, and then you type a second statement, and then JShell responds to your second statement, and then you type a third statement, and so on. A single statement is enough to get a response from JShell.

JShell is only one example of a language’s Read Evaluate Print Loop (REPL). Many programming languages __have REPLs and, with Java 9, the Java language finally has a REPL of its own.

Here, JShell was used to find out how Java responds to assignment statements.

assignment statements in jshell
An intimate conversation between a programmer and JShell.

When you run JShell, the dialogue goes something like this:

jshell> You type a statement

JShell responds

jshell> You type another statement

JShell responds

For example, you can type double amountInAccount and then press Enter. JShell responds by displaying

amountInAccount ==> 0.0

Here are a few things to notice about JShell:

  • You don’t __have to type an entire Java program.

Typing a few statements such as

double amountInAccount

amountInAccount = 50.22

amountInAccount = amountInAccount + 1000000.00

does the trick.

  • In JShell, semicolons are (to a large extent) optional.

A semicolon was typed at the end of only one of the nine lines.

  • JShell responds immediately after you type each line.

After amountInAccount was declared to be double, JShell responds by saying that the amountInAccount variable has the value 0.0. After amountInAccount = amountInAccount + 1000000.00 is typed, Shell responds that the new value of amountInAccount is 1000050.22.

  • You can mix statements from many different Java programs.
  • You can ask JShell for the value of an expression.

You don’t have to assign the expression’s value to a variable. For example, type

elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson

JShell responds that the value of
elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson is 9. JShell makes up a temporary name for that value. Above, the name happens to be
$8. So, on the next line, when asked for the value of
$8 +1, JShell gives the answer 10.

  • You can even get answers from JShell without using variables.

On the last line, the value of 42 + 7 is requested, and JShell generously answers with the value 49.

While you’re running JShell, you don’t have to retype commands that you’ve already typed. If you press the up-arrow key once, JShell shows you the command that you typed most recently. If you press the up-arrow key twice, JShell shows you the next-to-last command that you typed. And so on. When JShell shows you a command, you can use your left- and right-arrow keys to move to any character in the middle of the command. You can modify characters in the command. Finally, when you press Enter, JShell executes your newly modified command.

To end your run of JShell, you type /exit (starting with a slash). But
/exit is only one of many commands you can give to JShell. To ask JShell what other kinds of commands you can use, type /help.

With JShell, you can test your statements before you put them into a full-blown Java program. That makes JShell a truly useful tool.

Visit for instructions on launching JShell on your computer. After launching JShell, type a few lines of code. See what happens when you type some slightly different lines.

How to Use Nested if Statements in Java

You can use nested if statements in Java. __have you seen those cute Russian matryoshka nesting dolls? Open one, and another one is inside. Open the second, and a third one is inside it. You can do the same thing with Java’s if statements. (Talk about fun!)

Check out this code with nested if statements.

import static java.lang.System.out;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Authenticator2 {

public static void main(String args[]) {

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

out.print("Username: ");

String username =;

if (username.equals("bburd")) {

out.print("Password: ");

String password =;

if (password.equals("swordfish")) {

out.println("You're in.");

} else {

out.println("Incorrect password");


} else {

out.println("Unknown user");





Check out several runs of the code below. The main idea is that to log on, you __have to pass two tests. (In other words, two conditions must be true.) The first condition tests for a valid username; the second condition tests for the correct password. If you pass the first test (the username test), you march right into another if statement that performs a second test (the password test).

nested if statements
Three runs of the code.

If you fail the first test, you never make it to the second test. Here’s the overall plan.

nested statements
Don’t try eating with this fork.

The code does a good job with nested if statements, but it does a terrible job with real-world user authentication. First, never show a password in plain view (without asterisks to masquerade the password). Second, don’t handle passwords without encrypting them. Third, don’t tell the malicious user which of the two words (the username or the password) was entered incorrectly. Fourth … well, one could go on and on. The code just isn’t meant to illustrate good username/password practices.

Modify the program so that, if the user clicks Cancel for either the username or the password, the program replies with a Not enough information message.

Classes and Methods from the Java API

The Java code you see here uses several API classes and methods. The setTitle, setLayout, setDefaultCloseOperation, add, setSize, and setVisible methods all belong to the javax.swing.JFrame class.

Java code for defining a frame.

import java.awt.FlowLayout;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JButton;


public class SimpleFrame extends JFrame {

public SimpleFrame() {

setTitle("Don't click the button!");

setLayout(new FlowLayout());


add(new JButton("Panic"));

setSize(300, 100);




Here’s a list of names used in the code:

  • setTitle: Calling setTitle puts words in the frame’s title bar. (The new SimpleFrame object is calling its own setTitle method.)
  • FlowLayout: An instance of the FlowLayout class positions objects on the frame in a centered, typewriter fashion. If the frame has only one button on it, that button is centered near the top of the frame. If the frame had eight buttons, five of them may be lined up in a row across the top of the frame and the remaining three would be centered along a second row.
  • setLayout: Calling setLayout puts the new FlowLayout object in charge of arranging components, such as buttons, on the frame. (The new SimpleFrame object is calling its own setLayout method.)
  • setDefaultCloseOperation: Calling setDefaultCloseOperation tells Java what to do when you click the little ×in the frame’s upper-right corner. (On a Mac, you click the little red circle in the frame’s upper-left corner.) Without this method call, the frame itself disappears, but the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) keeps running. To stop your program’s run, you __have to perform one more step. (You may __have to look for a Terminate option in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans.)
  • Calling setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE) tells Java to shut itself down when you click the × in the frame’s upper-right corner. The alternatives to EXIT_ON_CLOSE are HIDE_ON_CLOSE, DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, and, of course, DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE. Use one of these alternatives when your program has more work to do after the user closes your frame.
  • JButton: The JButton class lives in the javax.swing package. One of the class’s constructors takes a String instance (such as “Panic“) for its parameter. Calling this constructor makes that String instance into the label on the face of the new button.
  • add: The new SimpleFrame object calls its add method. Calling the add method places the button on the object’s surface (in this case, the surface of the frame).
  • setSize: The frame becomes 300 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall. (In the javax.swing package, whenever you specify two dimension numbers, the width number always comes before the height number.)
  • setVisible: When it’s first created, a new frame is invisible. But when the new frame calls setVisible(true), the frame appears on your computer screen.

The Atoms: Java’s Primitive Types

The words int and double are examples of primitive types (also known as simple types) in Java. The Java language has exactly eight primitive types. As a newcomer to Java, you can pretty much ignore all but four of these types. (As programming languages go, Java is nice and compact that way.)

The types that you shouldn’t ignore are int, double, char, and boolean.

The char type

Several decades ago, people thought computers existed only for doing big number-crunching calculations. Nowadays, nobody thinks that way. So, if you haven’t been in a cryogenic freezing chamber for the past 20 years, you know that computers store letters, punctuation symbols, and other characters.

The Java type that’s used to store characters is called char. The code below has a simple program that uses the char type. This image shows the output of the program in the code below.

java char type
An exciting run of the program of below as it appears in the Eclipse Console view.

public class CharDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) {

char myLittleChar = 'b';

char myBigChar = Character.toUpperCase(myLittleChar);




In this code, the first initialization stores the letter b in the variable myLittleChar. In the initialization, notice how b is surrounded by single quote marks. In Java, every char literally starts and ends with a single quote mark.

In a Java program, single quote marks surround the letter in a char literal.

Character.toUpperCase. The Character.toUpperCase method does just what its name suggests — the method produces the uppercase equivalent of the letter b. This uppercase equivalent (the letter B) is assigned to the myBigChar variable, and the B that’s in myBigChar prints onscreen.

If you’re tempted to write the following statement,

char myLittleChars = 'barry'; //Don't do this

please resist the temptation. You can’t store more than one letter at a time in a char variable, and you can’t put more than one letter between a pair of single quotes. If you’re trying to store words or sentences (not just single letters), you need to use something called a String.

If you’re used to writing programs in other languages, you may be aware of something called ASCII character encoding. Most languages use ASCII; Java uses Unicode. In the old ASCII representation, each character takes up only 8 bits, but in Unicode, each character takes up 8, 16, or 32 bits. Whereas ASCII stores the letters of the Roman (English) alphabet, Unicode has room for characters from most of the world’s commonly spoken languages.

The only problem is that some of the Java API methods are geared specially toward 16-bit Unicode. Occasionally, this bites you in the back (or it bytes you in the back, as the case may be). If you’re using a method to write Hello on the screen and H e l l o shows up instead, check the method’s documentation for mention of Unicode characters.

It’s worth noticing that the two methods, Character.toUpperCase and System.out.println, are used quite differently in the code above. The method Character.toUpperCase is called as part of an initialization or an assignment statement, but the method System.out.println is called on its own.

The boolean type

A variable of type boolean stores one of two values: true or false. The code below demonstrates the use of a boolean variable. This image shows the output of the program in the code below.

java boolean type
The Brickenchicker dectuplets strike again.

public class ElevatorFitter2 {

public static void main(String args[]) {

System.out.println("True or False?");

System.out.println("You can fit all ten of the");

System.out.println("Brickenchicker dectuplets");

System.out.println("on the elevator:");


int weightOfAPerson = 150;

int elevatorWeightLimit = 1400;

int numberOfPeople = elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson;

boolean allTenOkay = numberOfPeople >= 10;




In this code, the allTenOkay variable is of type boolean. To find a value for the allTenOkay variable, the program checks to see whether numberOfPeople is greater than or equal to ten. (The symbols >= stand for greater than or equal to.)

At this point, it pays to be fussy about terminology. Any part of a Java program that has a value is an expression. If you write

weightOfAPerson = 150;

then 150 ,is an expression (an expression whose value is the quantity 150). If you write

numberOfEggs = 2 + 2;

then 2 + 2 is an expression (because 2 + 2 has the value 4). If you write

int numberOfPeople = elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson;

then elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson is an expression. (The value of the expression elevatorWeightLimit / weightOfAPerson depends on whatever values the variables elevatorWeightLimit and weightOfAPerson __have when the code containing the expression is executed.)

Any part of a Java program that has a value is an expression.

In the second set of code, numberOfPeople >= 10 is an expression. The expression’s value depends on the value stored in the numberOfPeople variable. But, as you know from seeing the strawberry shortcake at the Brickenchicker family’s catered lunch, the value of numberOfPeople isn’t greater than or equal to ten. As a result, the value of numberOfPeople >= 10 is false. So, in the statement in the second set of code, in which allTenOkay is assigned a value, the allTenOkay variable is assigned a false value.

In the second set of code, System.out.println() is called with nothing inside the parentheses. When you do this, Java adds a line break to the program’s output. In the second set of code, System.out.println() tells the program to display a blank line.

May 2, 2017

How to Define a Java Method within a Class (Displaying an Account)

Java lets you define a method within a class. Imagine a table containing the information about two accounts. (If you __have trouble imagining such a thing, just look at the table below.)

Without Object-Oriented Programming
Name Address Balance
Barry Burd 222 Cyberspace Lane 24.02
Jane Q. Public 111 Consumer Street 55.63

In this table, each account has three things — a name, an address, and a balance. That’s how things were done before object-oriented programming came along. But object-oriented programming involved a big shift in thinking. With object-oriented programming, each account can __have a name, an address, a balance, and a way of being displayed.

In object-oriented programming, each object has its own built-in functionality. An account knows how to display itself. A string can tell you whether it has the same characters inside it as another string has. A PrintStream instance, such as System.out, knows how to do println. In object-oriented programming, each object has its own methods. These methods are little subprograms that you can call to have an object do things to (or for) itself.

And why is this a good idea? It’s good because you’re making pieces of data take responsibility for themselves. With object-oriented programming, all the functionality that’s associated with an account is collected inside the code for the Account class. Everything you have to know about a string is located in the file Anything having to do with year numbers (whether they have two or four digits, for instance) is handled right inside the Year class. Therefore, if anybody has problems with your Account class or your Year class, he or she knows just where to look for all the code. That’s great!

Imagine an enhanced account table. In this new table, each object has built-in functionality. Each account knows how to display itself on the screen. Each row of the table has its own copy of a display method. Of course, you don’t need much imagination to picture this table. Check out this table.

The Object-Oriented Way
Name Address Balance Display
Barry Burd 222 Cyberspace Lane 24.02 out.print …
Jane Q. Public 111 Consumer Street 55.63 out.print …

An account that displays itself

In the second table, each account object has four things — a name, an address, a balance, and a way of displaying itself on the screen. After you make the jump to object-oriented thinking, you’ll never turn back. The code below shows programs that implement the ideas in the second table above.

In this code, an account displays itself

import static java.lang.System.out;

public class Account {

String name;

String address;

double balance;

public void display() {


out.print(" (");


out.print(") has $");




This code uses the improved account class.

public class UseAccount {

public static void main(String args[]) {

Account myAccount = new Account();

Account yourAccount = new Account(); = "Barry Burd";

myAccount.address = "222 Cyberspace Lane";

myAccount.balance = 24.02; = "Jane Q. Public";

yourAccount.address = "111 Consumer Street";

yourAccount.balance = 55.63;






In the first set of code, the Account class has four things in it: a name, an address, a balance, and a display method. These things match up with the four columns in the second table. So each instance of the Account class has a name, an address, a balance, and a way of displaying itself. The way you call these things is nice and uniform. To refer to the name stored in myAccount, you write

To get myAccount to display itself on the screen, you write


The only difference is the parentheses.

When you call a method, you put parentheses after the method’s name.

The display method’s header

Look again at the code above. A call to the display method is inside the UseAccount class’s main method, but the declaration of the display method is up in the Account class. The declaration has a header and a body. The header has three words and some parentheses:

  • The word public serves roughly the same purpose as the word public in the first set of code. Roughly speaking, any code can contain a call to a public method, even if the calling code and the public method belong to two different classes. In the example above, the decision to make the display method public is a matter of taste. Normally, when you create a method that’s useful in a wide variety of applications, you declare the method to be public.
  • The word void tells Java that when the display method is called, the display method doesn’t return anything to the place that called it.
  • The word display is the method’s name. Every method must have a name. Otherwise, you don’t have a way to call the method.
  • The parentheses contain all the things you’re going to pass to the method when you call it. When you call a method, you can pass information to that method on the fly. The display method in the first set of code looks strange because the parentheses in the method’s header have nothing inside them. This nothingness indicates that no information is passed to the display method when you call it.

Celebrating AnandTech’s 20th Anniversary: 1997 - 2017

This morning we’re celebrating a rather special occasion over here at AnandTech: our 20th anniversary. Though in a lot of ways it seems like the years __have gone by in a flash, the calendar doesn’t lie: it means we’ve now been doing this for two decades, starting from a quaint CPU review in 1997 and branching out to oh so much more by 2017.

I’ve admittedly never been one for public sentimentality, but as the second Editor-in-chief of AnandTech and a reader for most of its history, it’s a milestone that makes me very proud. When Anand created the site in 1997 it may __have just been a hobby, but by taking it seriously and defining a core set of principles that we still work by today, AnandTech has grown to leave its mark on technology journalism and the products around it, and I intend to continue leaving our mark and helping to shape the technology ecosystem in our own nerdy way.

For the start of AnandTech’s 21st year in the technology news business, I’d like to commemorate the occasion with a look back at what we’ve done, a brief look forward at where we’re going next, and finally, thank the many readers and groups out there who have made it possible. The latter point is especially important to me; while a commemoration is all about the entity or event being remembered, none of this would be possible without everyone who has supported us over the years. So in a way, I consider this an event for you guys as well as it is for us, because you have absolutely had a part in shaping how we go about writing articles and how we interact with hardware vendors.

For that reason, I’m also happy to announce that we’re launching our largest hardware giveaway ever. Over the next 20 days we’ll be giving away piles of hardware as a thank you to our readers who have made this all possible. Even that, I feel, isn’t a big enough thank you for what you guys mean to us. But it’s a start, and it means we can do something fun for you guys on our anniversary.

But first, let’s do a little commemorating.

A Bit of History

AnandTech was founded in 1997 by a then 14 year old Anand Shimpi during his freshman year of high school. At the time the Web was still relatively young, and Anand’s Hardware Tech Page as it was then named didn’t even have its own domain name. Instead, like many other hobby websites, it was hosted on the now long-defunct GeoCities.

In true AnandTech tradition right from the start, the first AnandTech article was the AMD K6 Review. That review is admittedly a mess by modern standards – none of us came into tech writing knowing a fraction of what we do now – but it marked the start of something greater. It reflected Anand’s desire to learn more and to share what he learned with the world, a core mantra that has driven AnandTech all of these years, and still drives us today.

In the intervening 20 years, far too much has happened to even begin to recap it all. AnandTech became a business, and a successful business at that. The Web transformed how technology journalism worked; no longer were articles bound to the rules of print, a month out of date and limited in length to what would fit. Instead articles could go as deep as they needed, and be posted to the wider world as soon as they were ready. Tech news became rapid-fire, and, outside of dedicated technology journals, writers could do more than ever before.

A lot of other organizations had the same idea and covered the PC hardware space as well. Some of those sites are still with us today; many more are not. Between the Dot-com bubble popping and the Great Recession, conditions have winnowed the number of tech sites significantly. AnandTech’s surviving and thriving these events is a combination of hard work and careful planning, to do what needed to be done to survive. But more than that, it’s thanks to you, the readers, who have supported us over all of these years and continue to support us today.

Guess The Interfaces

Meanwhile the technology landscape has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. The PC market was once the growth market for hardware, and over the years we’ve reaped the benefits of improved engineering, improved manufacturing, and improved economy of scale. The $1000 PC I bought in 1997 was, even by the standards of the time, a piece of junk, pairing a Pentium MMX 200 with what ended up being a rather dodgy Socket 7 motherboard. Now one can buy a half-decent laptop for a fraction of the price, and the inflation-adjusted $1500 will buy you an awesome computer, likely with money to spare. The PC industry is still alive and well these days – and we continue to labor hard to cover it – but it’s now a stable, mature industry that doesn’t move at the pace it once did.

A number of hardware companies have folded or been acquired in the intervening years. 3dfx, Cyrix, Abit, BFG. Others have continued to burn brightly the whole time – Intel is still as powerful as they ever have been – and others still have skirted with death only to stage a dramatic comeback. We’ve watched AMD rise, fall, and then Ryzen (again), as the perpetual plucky underdog has always kept the rest of the PC industry off-balance.

The story for the second decade of AnandTech’s existence has been the mobile industry, which for most of that decade has burnt with same fire that forged AnandTech in the beginning. The rapid evolution of smartphones and tablets is nothing short of remarkable, and it has forever changed the face of computing, even for us PC enthusiasts. Mobile devices are a product of the extreme integration we’ve seen over the years, and I would be lying if I said the lack of end-user customization didn’t bother me on some level, but at the same time they’ve expanded our horizons as tech writers and significantly changed how we look at the development of new technology.

1997 was also the year of Microsoft’s famous $150 million investment into Apple, which perpetuated their rise to becoming the most valuable company in the world. The company, whose computers were based around the odd-man-out PowerPC architecture at the time, switched over to x86 in 2005 and has made a significant mark on laptop design, all the while pioneering the modern smartphone and tablet.

(As an aside, at some point early in the previous decade, I talked Anand into trying out a Mac as his desktop workstation. This didn’t go quite as planned, as Anand ended up liking it perhaps a bit too much. Sorry about that.)

A Bit of the Future

Now the technology industry is at a new set of crossroads. Like the PC market before it, the mobile market is maturing and reaching saturation. Meanwhile Moore’s Law, while still alive, is definitely reaching its end-game for traditional silicon. The technology industry has always been remarkable for its continued and sustained growth, and while I’m optimistic that it will continue, no one knows quite what that future will look like.

What I do know is that no matter what, AnandTech will be there to cover it, with the depth our readers deserve and crave. One of Anand’s criticisms of technology journalism – and what’s now one of our core principles – is avoiding the cable TV-ificaition of the Web: the focus on traffic and business over the needs of the readers, leading to shallow, 10 o’clock news-style technology reporting. I will make no effort to hide or downplay the fact that AnandTech is part of a larger business (Purch), but my vision for the site and the focus of the editors of AnandTech remains unchanged. As much as we can, we have to do right by you, the reader, by continuing to learn more about technology and sharing what we learn with you in a deep-but-accessible manner.

While I don’t have any grand plans to announce, over the coming months you’ll be seeing some new faces around AnandTech as we continue to expand and diversify. I am happy with our depth but I feel like we aren’t doing enough in total; we need more reviews, more news, and more articles discussing how things work and how the future will be shaped. So that is my goal for the mid-term, to bring you guys more of what you come to AnandTech for.

We also have some other plans on the drawing board. The site is due for an overhaul, and Ian Cutress might kill me if I don’t let him improve Bench even more. HTTPS is also everywhere, and real soon now we will be enabling it across the site. I don’t have anything specific to announce here, but we aren’t standing by idly. If nothing else, a more regular podcast would be fun to do.

Thank Yous

Making it to 20 years could not have happened without the help of many people over the years, some who are quite public and others who like to blend in and do what they do in quiet.

The biggest thank you goes of course to Anand. While he’s off doing goodness-knows-what at Apple (I don’t know guys, seriously!), the site he founded and the principles he laid out has enabled us to do everything we’ve done for the past 20 years. It’s allowed us to focus on quality and depth, and perhaps more simply than that, make a living out of learning.

But the second biggest thank you goes to the many writers AnandTech has had over the years, Anand’s early collaborators and later hires alike. It’s only by having writers specialize in their fields and become masters that we’ve been able to dive as deep as we have, and while many of those writers have moved on to other jobs, they’ve left their mark on AnandTech. Over the years AnandTech’s writers have endured a number of sleepless nights, working holidays, canceled social engagements, and uncomfortable flights, all in the name of bringing more information to you. Their efforts are what have allowed AnandTech to thrive over the years.

A thank you also goes to the hardware vendors out there, many of whom have been putting up with us for the last 20 years. We’ve killed hardware, we’ve asked uncomfortable questions, and we’ve pushed vendors to reveal more than they’d necessarily like to share. Practically speaking, hardware vendors could lock us out, but I think that we’ve found a much better path in working together. The amount of access we get to engineers to ask questions and bring these stories to life has only happened because hardware vendors see the value in the AnandTech mission. And that has been to the benefit of everyone.

AnandTech’s publisher, Purch, also deserves a thank you. And I know what you’re thinking here, but Purch has genuinely earned this. Purch has taken a largely hands-off approach and allowed AnandTech to continue to do what we need to do, even if it doesn’t necessarily make business sense at the time. As a result we’ve continued to be able to innovate and stumble at our own pace, operating with the agility that’s required to remain at the cutting edge of technology.

Finally, none of this would be possible without you, the readers. You’re our support, the reason we suffer through sleepless nights to get a 20 page article up for a 9am Eastern embargo. You’re our critics, letting us know when we’ve let you down or could do better. You’re our customers, helping to pay the bills over the years accepting our advertising and buying products through our affiliates. But most of all you’re our peers, the people we strive to share our knowledge with so that all of us can know a little more and be a little smarter.

Thank you to everyone for the last 20 years, and here’s to what I hope to be the next 20 years.

May 1, 2017

How to Create a Class Definition in Python

A class need not be particularly complex. In fact, you can create just the container and one class element in Python and call it a class. Of course, the resulting class won’t do much, but you can instantiate it (tell Python to build an object using your class as a blueprint) and work with it as you would any other class.

The following steps help you understand the basics behind a class by creating the simplest class possible.

1Open a Python Shell window.

You see the familiar Python prompt.

2Type the following code (pressing Enter after each line and pressing Enter twice after the last line):

class MyClass: MyVar = 0

The first line defines the class container, which consists of the keyword class and the class name, which is MyClass. Every class you create must begin precisely this way. You must always include class followed by the class name.

The second line is the class suite. All the elements that comprise the class are called the class suite. In this case, you see a class variable named MyVar, which is set to a value of 0. Every instance of the class will __have the same variable and start at the same value.

3Type MyInstance = MyClass() and press Enter.

You __have just created an instance of MyClass named MyInstance. Of course, you’ll want to verify that you really have created such an instance. Step 4 accomplishes that task.

Typing a new class in Python

4Type MyInstance.MyVar and press Enter.

The output of 0 demonstrates that MyInstance does indeed have a class variable named MyVar.

Testing a class in Python.

5Type MyInstance.__class__ and press Enter.

Python displays the class used to create this instance. The output tells you that this class is part of the __main__ module, which means that you typed it directly into the shell.